Posts Tagged ‘alicexalice’

Lolita Tea Private Party

February 28, 2009

Went to my friend, Zein’s (co-owner of AliceXAlice tailored cosplay store) invitational Lolita tea party today and had oodles of fun. They really arranged it well and the atmosphere of the tea house and the garden of Agalico was great for taking pictures!

For those interested in AliceXAlice, this is like probably the best cosplay tailoring service in Thailand, their website is currently going through its third rennovation this year at

Heehee, of course me being me, didn’t really actually have anything to wear when Zein told me it was a “lolita” themed party cus I’m usually more of the “behind the camera” person…but she said Icould come in black and probably pass off as “gothic lolita”. Heehee although hard going cosplayers would probably kick me in the ass and go, WTF…that is sooo not gothic lolita…whatever…low budget 😀

But my dear sister joined us and probably made up for it with her really lolita dress XD

My sissypoo and the Butlers

My sissypoo and the Butlers...haha doing her bitchy face

Cutie Mousey

Cutie Mousey...never seen anything so cute >.<.

Fan service

Fan service

Me and the Butlers XD


Me and Zein...the face that designed AlicexAlice's layout XD

Me and Zein...the face that designed AlicexAlice's layout XD